Monday, May 24, 2010

game progress

well the game progress is coming along pretty good.
i am with a new team now and they actually help with
making the game, so its coming along okay. i just cant
wait for everyone's game to be finished so we can check
them out.

Monday, May 3, 2010

game progres.......

well i am on a new team now for the second time. and the game is coming along pretty good

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


i don't think that girls wearing showy clothing can cause
an earthquake. i think that's so stupid, that's like saying
if you wear a hat on Thursdays then it will start to thunder
storm... how lame.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

game progress

well our game progress has been coming
along pretty slowly. because we switched
partners, we both want to do different stuff
which we both have good ideas, but its like
we aren't getting it on our drawings, because
we both are coming up with good ideas. but
hopefully we will get it done soon..................

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

recreate the world

well i believe that there is a god and i believe in god,
and i wouldn't change anything because i believe that
this is how it was meant to be and god has a purpose
for everything he does.

recreate the world

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If I Could Be A Superhero, What Power Would I Have

if i could be any super hero, i would probably be
spiderman, because he is the coolest super hero
and he is my favorite, but i would want to be
able to fly when i wanted to because i would
probably get tired of swinging from my web.
i would want to have mind reading powers
and other special powers that i could use
while not in the suit and that i could use in
everyday use.