Friday, September 25, 2009

If you found a genie lamp & had 3 wishes what would you wish for, why....

if i had three wishes my first wish would be for a time machine. i would like to redo things and go back and enjoy recent times. I would wish to be very successful in life for my second wish because i want to make a lot of money in life and enjoy my life. and for my last wish i would wish to know what in the world i would want to wish for. then when i got my idea i wouldnt be able to wish for it because that was my last wish.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

If you could go back in time to one era & live there forever were would you go, what would you do, why?

if i could go back to the 80s because i like the 80s kind of music. i would take peoples ideas of songs and become rich and change my band name to all different kinds of famous 80s bands so they couldnt have the names and i would sing their songs and be the richest man ever. i would also make sure i owned some kind of gasoline company.

If you could choose between pikachu, squirtele, bulbasaur or charmander, which one?

If i could choose between pikachu, squirtele, bulbasaur or charmander, i would probably pick charmander. i would pick him because he has fire powers and he evolved into charmeleon and that stage of the evolution wouldnt do anything and it was pretty funny. after charmeleon was charazard and he was pretty beastly. he had wings and could blow an enermous amount of fire from his mouth

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

health care debate

i havent really been following the political issues here recently but my main opinions on health care are first, i think everyone should have health care, but secondly i wonder how we are going to pay for it. but once again i havent really been following the health care debate and i would need some more information before i go into further dicussion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If you could be any animal what would you do, why?

If i could be any animal i would probably be a dog. i would want to be a dog because they dont have to get up in the morning and go to school or go to work. they could just go back to sleep in the morning when they wake up and they have no responsibilities or chores. of course i would want to live with a good family and i would pretty much have it made, just lie around the house all day with nothing to do but smell things, eat drink,sleep and smell more things.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What do you want to be when you grow up, and why?

I think what i want to be is a funeral home director. it may sound a little weird. my family works in the funeral business and they own their own funeral home. they make a very good amount of money and i would be an automatic there so i know i would have a job. its a strange job but someone has to do it. i will be the guy who puts the word "fun" in funeral home. Maybe not, but its an image is it not. Also another reason why is the calsses you have to take to become one is not long and not very complicated. I would have to go to mortuary school in Louisville and get a business degree and one year of apprenticeship.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What i did Labor Day Weekend

Over labor day weekend I went to the spring valley game on Friday. On Saturday i went to my brothers youth league football game. After that I went to the Marshall game and then went bowling.

Friday, September 4, 2009

favorite video game character of all time

If i had to choose a favorite video game character, i would probably have to choose Master Chief from Halo. I like him because he is pretty cool looking and he can take down just about anything and everything.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


this is my first blog. ive never blogged before. dont have that kind of time. so heres my blog