Friday, December 18, 2009

My favorite things about christmas

My favorite movie about christmas is Santa
Clause is Comin to Town. My favorite song
about Christmas would probably be Jingle
Bells. My favorite presnet would be something
that is worth alot of money. My favorite food to
eat at christmas would be ham. We do all kinds
of traditional stuff.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Likes and dislikes of the Christmas Season.

My likes and dislikes of the Christmas season would
be a very big list of things. First i will start off with
my likes. I love the snow and getting out of school
because of it. i love getting people things and receiving
cool presents. i love the big Christmas dinners. we
usually eat ham, and i love ham. some things i don't
like about Christmas are the cold and the frozen roads.
even though i said i love the snow and getting out because
of it, i hate the cold and driving on it. i do enjoy being with
my family but i go to a bunch of different houses, and it
gets kind of annoying. as you can see, i have more likes than
i do dislikes about the Christmas season.

Monday, December 7, 2009

School Lunch

In my personal feelings about our school lunch,
i think it is terrible. we have pizza every single
day and its always the same kind of square
pepperoni pizza. they could switch it up a little
and have different kinds of pizza or have like a
bar where we could put other toppings on it
like mushrooms or extra cheese or whatever.
the other lines we have are usually the same
foods over and over again. the only time i love
to eat in the cafeteria is when we have chicken
quesidillas, chicken tacos, or the burritos.

Friday, December 4, 2009

shool improvements

i think that the school should get a lot of new
computers. all of the computers that we have
are very slow and old. we need new computer
programs too. if we have these new stuff for
the computers then we would be more
interested to learn and have fun with it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

old cartoon

my favorite cartoon when i was a child would
have to be scooby doo. i remember i use to get
scared sometimes when watching it and i would
have to turn the channel when the ghost or
monster would come on. also the beginning of
scooby doo in the intro when the bats flew out
would scare me too.