Monday, May 24, 2010

game progress

well the game progress is coming along pretty good.
i am with a new team now and they actually help with
making the game, so its coming along okay. i just cant
wait for everyone's game to be finished so we can check
them out.

Monday, May 3, 2010

game progres.......

well i am on a new team now for the second time. and the game is coming along pretty good

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


i don't think that girls wearing showy clothing can cause
an earthquake. i think that's so stupid, that's like saying
if you wear a hat on Thursdays then it will start to thunder
storm... how lame.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

game progress

well our game progress has been coming
along pretty slowly. because we switched
partners, we both want to do different stuff
which we both have good ideas, but its like
we aren't getting it on our drawings, because
we both are coming up with good ideas. but
hopefully we will get it done soon..................

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

recreate the world

well i believe that there is a god and i believe in god,
and i wouldn't change anything because i believe that
this is how it was meant to be and god has a purpose
for everything he does.

recreate the world

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If I Could Be A Superhero, What Power Would I Have

if i could be any super hero, i would probably be
spiderman, because he is the coolest super hero
and he is my favorite, but i would want to be
able to fly when i wanted to because i would
probably get tired of swinging from my web.
i would want to have mind reading powers
and other special powers that i could use
while not in the suit and that i could use in
everyday use.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I Did Over My Spring Break

well for the most part my spring break was
okay, i didn't go anywhere special, but i had
fun at home. i went to the softball games and
i hung out with my girlfriends, and just about
every night i had someone stay all night with
me. i slept in just about everyday and i stayed
up just about all night, so yea, now summer
needs to hurry up and get here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Plans For Spring Break

on spring break, i plan on going to a bunch of my
girlfriends softball games. i plan on staying up late
with my friends and just hanging out. I'm not as cool
as everyone else is because I'm not going on vacation
anywhere. but I'm sure i will have a good break and
I'm sure everyone is ready for it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Who Is My Favorite Athlete Of All Time

I have a bunch of athletes that i like, but
my favorite athlete of all times would
probably have to be Derrick Brooks.
he was number 55 for the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers, and he played
defensive end and some linebacker.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers is also my
favorite NFL team. Derrick Brooks
also played for my favorite college
team, FSU. he was awesome

Thursday, March 25, 2010

what i hope to achieve

well the main thing i want to achieve in making my game is finishing the dag on thing. i hope to get the audience to play it over and over again and i hope they like it. i hope that they learn the message that I'm implementing into the game. i will be showing statistics about world hunger and how many people die of hunger, and maybe it will
make people think and make them want to do something to help out.

Monday, March 22, 2010

other game designs game

there are a lot of other peoples games who i like and
their wiki pages. i think my favorite wiki is beetin the beetus's wiki page. id like to play their game when they get it finished. i also like some of the quiz games that are on the wiki.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

what i like least and most about this class

i hate that i have to ride a bus to get over here. i wish it was just in the other building. i like the concept about learning how to make games, but i haven't got much done, and i don't think much of anyone has gotten much done, and half way through the way me and my partner got split up and I'm now working with a different partner which kinda puts a damper on the game making process.

i don't think i will get this game finished and i really have no desire to anymore. i will keep trying to work on it as much as i know to do on my own though and we will see where that gets us...

Friday, March 12, 2010

game progress

well my game progress has slowed down since i got a
new partner. we have chosen to stick with the same
game but we have been doing a little bit better with
it. our team pages have been updated with new game
pictures and some flash animation of what it looks like
to launch to crate out of the cannon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

living with internet

i have lived my whole life living with the internet
and since i was little i have know how to use it and
do things on the computer. i think that the internet
has helped out a lot in society, but it has also made
the society we live in lazy. the internet has made the world that we live in better and every way, but it has also made people sit at home all day and waste their lives on it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

movie that describes your life

a movie that would describe my life is probably spiderman
because secretly i am a super hero and im like spiderman.
i love to go out and jump from house to house and i love
to swing from things and beat up bad people. its very fun,
you should try it someday.

Monday, March 1, 2010

as an adult would you send your future students to spring valley

I will probably be living in this area when i grow up
and i will probably be raising my kids here. i might
move somewhere in the near future, but when i want
to settle down i will come back here. if spring valley is
still here i will be sending my kids here because i like it
here and i think its been fun and also educating.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

game progress

our game is coming along slowly but surely but its going to turn out to be a pretty cool game. im excited to get it finished to where we can actually play it. i love playing games and im sure i will enjoy the game that i made myself with my partner. i hope you enjoy the game when we get
it fished as well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

my favorite olympic contest

i dont really watch the olympics much but if i do watch
it i would have to choose to watch the snowboarding or
the luge. just a few weeks ago, a guy died while in a
practice run in luge. it was a tragedy. they get up to
speeds at 90mph and they fly down the track. when
i watch the snowboarding, i like to watch them do tricks.

what i have been doing over snow days

i have very much enjoyed the snow days. i love when
it snows. im getting a little too old to go out and play
in it, but ive been sledding once this year. i usually
just stay in and play on the computer and play xbox
360, and eat all day. hopefully we get a couple more
snow days. that would be nice.

work on team pages

my team page so far looks pretty good. i have been absent for
some days, but we will get the page back up to par with everyone
else. i enjoy updating the page and putting pictures on it to make
it look nice and creative.

Monday, February 8, 2010

breakfast food

Breakfast food is very healthy and they say you need
a good healthy breakfast to start the day. my favorite
meal for breakfast is bacon eggs and toast. i eat that
just about every morning, with a cup of coffee.
sometimes i eat breakfast food in the evening or for
lunch. they call that brunch. i just love breakfast food.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

funny thing that has happened to me

well there have been a lot of funny things that have happened to me in my life. i will pick one of them to talk to you about it. well recently we were snowed out of school and me and my friend Jake went to McDonald's and as we were walking out, this car came flying into the parking lot and there was snow on the ground, and the car just slid into a parking spot. the parking job was terrible, it was all crooked and that kind of good stuff and he just left it like that, got out and walked into McDonald's.


well alot of good things have happened to me.
i think one of the best was wen i was walking
through the school parking lot i found 4 dollars.
then the next day i was walking through the hall
and i found 1 dollar. later that day i went to get
my haircut and i found 20 dollars on the floor.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i have been lucky and nothing very bad has happened
to me. i think the only bad thing was i had my appendix
taken out and it wasnt a very good experience. before it
got taken out i was in a lot of pain and had to wait in the
waiting room for a while before i got back into the room.
when i got to the room they gave me some good medicine
which made it all feel better. then the next morning i got
it taken out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things i did over break

I did a lot of things over break. I spent a lot of time with my family and did Christmas with my dad's family, mom's family and my girlfriend's family. Some family came in from out of town and i spent a lot of time with them. on new years me my best friend and girlfriend watched the ball drop and ate some prime rib and it was a pretty good break.

Favorite things about winter

My favorite things about winter is first off, snow.
i love it wen we get a lot of snow and get delayed
and closed from school. the delays are okay but
i would definitely take a closing over a delay. the
only bad thing about the snow is the extremely
cold temperatures. i hate the cold and if i could i
would find a way for it to snow in the summer.