Thursday, January 21, 2010

funny thing that has happened to me

well there have been a lot of funny things that have happened to me in my life. i will pick one of them to talk to you about it. well recently we were snowed out of school and me and my friend Jake went to McDonald's and as we were walking out, this car came flying into the parking lot and there was snow on the ground, and the car just slid into a parking spot. the parking job was terrible, it was all crooked and that kind of good stuff and he just left it like that, got out and walked into McDonald's.


well alot of good things have happened to me.
i think one of the best was wen i was walking
through the school parking lot i found 4 dollars.
then the next day i was walking through the hall
and i found 1 dollar. later that day i went to get
my haircut and i found 20 dollars on the floor.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i have been lucky and nothing very bad has happened
to me. i think the only bad thing was i had my appendix
taken out and it wasnt a very good experience. before it
got taken out i was in a lot of pain and had to wait in the
waiting room for a while before i got back into the room.
when i got to the room they gave me some good medicine
which made it all feel better. then the next morning i got
it taken out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things i did over break

I did a lot of things over break. I spent a lot of time with my family and did Christmas with my dad's family, mom's family and my girlfriend's family. Some family came in from out of town and i spent a lot of time with them. on new years me my best friend and girlfriend watched the ball drop and ate some prime rib and it was a pretty good break.

Favorite things about winter

My favorite things about winter is first off, snow.
i love it wen we get a lot of snow and get delayed
and closed from school. the delays are okay but
i would definitely take a closing over a delay. the
only bad thing about the snow is the extremely
cold temperatures. i hate the cold and if i could i
would find a way for it to snow in the summer.