Friday, March 26, 2010

Who Is My Favorite Athlete Of All Time

I have a bunch of athletes that i like, but
my favorite athlete of all times would
probably have to be Derrick Brooks.
he was number 55 for the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers, and he played
defensive end and some linebacker.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers is also my
favorite NFL team. Derrick Brooks
also played for my favorite college
team, FSU. he was awesome

Thursday, March 25, 2010

what i hope to achieve

well the main thing i want to achieve in making my game is finishing the dag on thing. i hope to get the audience to play it over and over again and i hope they like it. i hope that they learn the message that I'm implementing into the game. i will be showing statistics about world hunger and how many people die of hunger, and maybe it will
make people think and make them want to do something to help out.

Monday, March 22, 2010

other game designs game

there are a lot of other peoples games who i like and
their wiki pages. i think my favorite wiki is beetin the beetus's wiki page. id like to play their game when they get it finished. i also like some of the quiz games that are on the wiki.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

what i like least and most about this class

i hate that i have to ride a bus to get over here. i wish it was just in the other building. i like the concept about learning how to make games, but i haven't got much done, and i don't think much of anyone has gotten much done, and half way through the way me and my partner got split up and I'm now working with a different partner which kinda puts a damper on the game making process.

i don't think i will get this game finished and i really have no desire to anymore. i will keep trying to work on it as much as i know to do on my own though and we will see where that gets us...

Friday, March 12, 2010

game progress

well my game progress has slowed down since i got a
new partner. we have chosen to stick with the same
game but we have been doing a little bit better with
it. our team pages have been updated with new game
pictures and some flash animation of what it looks like
to launch to crate out of the cannon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

living with internet

i have lived my whole life living with the internet
and since i was little i have know how to use it and
do things on the computer. i think that the internet
has helped out a lot in society, but it has also made
the society we live in lazy. the internet has made the world that we live in better and every way, but it has also made people sit at home all day and waste their lives on it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

movie that describes your life

a movie that would describe my life is probably spiderman
because secretly i am a super hero and im like spiderman.
i love to go out and jump from house to house and i love
to swing from things and beat up bad people. its very fun,
you should try it someday.

Monday, March 1, 2010

as an adult would you send your future students to spring valley

I will probably be living in this area when i grow up
and i will probably be raising my kids here. i might
move somewhere in the near future, but when i want
to settle down i will come back here. if spring valley is
still here i will be sending my kids here because i like it
here and i think its been fun and also educating.