Friday, December 18, 2009

My favorite things about christmas

My favorite movie about christmas is Santa
Clause is Comin to Town. My favorite song
about Christmas would probably be Jingle
Bells. My favorite presnet would be something
that is worth alot of money. My favorite food to
eat at christmas would be ham. We do all kinds
of traditional stuff.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Likes and dislikes of the Christmas Season.

My likes and dislikes of the Christmas season would
be a very big list of things. First i will start off with
my likes. I love the snow and getting out of school
because of it. i love getting people things and receiving
cool presents. i love the big Christmas dinners. we
usually eat ham, and i love ham. some things i don't
like about Christmas are the cold and the frozen roads.
even though i said i love the snow and getting out because
of it, i hate the cold and driving on it. i do enjoy being with
my family but i go to a bunch of different houses, and it
gets kind of annoying. as you can see, i have more likes than
i do dislikes about the Christmas season.

Monday, December 7, 2009

School Lunch

In my personal feelings about our school lunch,
i think it is terrible. we have pizza every single
day and its always the same kind of square
pepperoni pizza. they could switch it up a little
and have different kinds of pizza or have like a
bar where we could put other toppings on it
like mushrooms or extra cheese or whatever.
the other lines we have are usually the same
foods over and over again. the only time i love
to eat in the cafeteria is when we have chicken
quesidillas, chicken tacos, or the burritos.

Friday, December 4, 2009

shool improvements

i think that the school should get a lot of new
computers. all of the computers that we have
are very slow and old. we need new computer
programs too. if we have these new stuff for
the computers then we would be more
interested to learn and have fun with it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

old cartoon

my favorite cartoon when i was a child would
have to be scooby doo. i remember i use to get
scared sometimes when watching it and i would
have to turn the channel when the ghost or
monster would come on. also the beginning of
scooby doo in the intro when the bats flew out
would scare me too.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

thanksgiving day break

My plans for thanksgiving break is to eat at my
aunt and uncles first. then eat at my stepdads
moms house. Then i will go to my dads moms
and eat there. i just plan on eating, sleeping,
hanging with some friends and the girlfriend
and family. i plan on sleeping in everyday.
waking up and playing some call of duty
modern warfare 2

Friday, November 13, 2009


our game was going slow at first but it has been picking
up here the last few weeks. its a game where you shoot
food over to hungry people in countries where there are
food shortages. my teammate and i have been working
hard on the game and i think it will turn out pretty good.


I think the situation in Afghanistan, should be for our
soldiers to come on home. they have been over there
too long and we are spending too much money supporting
the troops when we have our own problems at home and
that money could be used for some other problems here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

my pogress

The game that we are designing started off a little slow but its going pretty good now. i think my progress in this class is coming along pretty well also. i enjoy this class and i enjoy working on the game. its fun and educational at the same time. who would've thought that you could actually have fun while learning also! working with my partner has been pretty fun. he is a cool kid and we have fun while getting our work done. i cant wait to get our game finished and actually play it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Favorite toy as a child

When i was a kid i use to play with the action
figures called Corps. they were army like
action figures and they were fully imposable.
you could also buy accessories and new weapons
and things like that for them. me and my friend
use to always take them outside and make forts
and bases out of rocks and things and make fake
battles with them. Of course my team was always
the team that won =)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

favorite foods

My favorite kinds of foods is Mexican types.
I love to eat at Taco Bell at 3 in the morning.
When i go to Taco Bell i usually get 3 chicken
soft tacos with sour cream, or i get a steak
quesadilla with a hard taco with steak and
sour cream.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What do you and your teammate hope to teach people by playing your game.

In mine and my teammates game "Food Launcher"
we are trying to show people what the conditions
are like over in ethiopia and during the game we
are going to show different statistics of hunger rate
and just let people know what other people are going

Who is your hero, or someone you look up to, why what do they mean to you?

My hero is my grandpa. he is my hero because he has
always been there for me and he always knows how to
cheer me up. he means a lot to me. he is 72 and he still
works. he is a walmart greeter and when he is off work
he always has some kind of project he works on outside.

Friday, October 16, 2009

my favorite movie

My all time favorite movie would have to be Billy Madison.
Adam Sandler is the main character and his dad owns a line
of hotels. Billy has it made by laying around all day in the
pool with his friends and doing nothing. Billy's dads dream
was to hand down the company to his only son. Billy is not
educated enough to handle the company so he tells billy that
he is going to give the company to Eric, a guy who works for
the company and him and Billy don't get along at all with him.
Billy's dad tells him he has to go back to second grade all the
way to high school, passing every grade in two weeks. Through
the process of passing each grade, Eric tries to sabotage Billy's
success because he wants the company as well. In the end Billy ends up making it through school and he decides he doesn't want the company, so he hands it down to Carl, another guy who works for the company and helps Billy through school. Billy then decides he wants to become a school teacher and be successful on his own.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Favorite tv show

if i had to choose a favorite tv show i would probably
have to pick family guy. i like family guy because its
always on and its so funny. they always have new
episodes on too.

Friday, October 9, 2009

How im doing in school

Currently in school i am doing well. i am liking this
school year. i have some tough classes but i am
making it by. my hardest class is earth science
so i hope i get a good grade in there. there is a lot
of work involved in it but if you do the work you
you will be okay

my favorite holiday

If i had to choose a holiday to be my favorite i would
have to choose Christmas. i like Christmas because
i like the snow. i like when it snows a lot and we get
out of school for the day. i like the long break we
get for Christmas and all of the presents. its just
a fun atmosphere

Friday, September 25, 2009

If you found a genie lamp & had 3 wishes what would you wish for, why....

if i had three wishes my first wish would be for a time machine. i would like to redo things and go back and enjoy recent times. I would wish to be very successful in life for my second wish because i want to make a lot of money in life and enjoy my life. and for my last wish i would wish to know what in the world i would want to wish for. then when i got my idea i wouldnt be able to wish for it because that was my last wish.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

If you could go back in time to one era & live there forever were would you go, what would you do, why?

if i could go back to the 80s because i like the 80s kind of music. i would take peoples ideas of songs and become rich and change my band name to all different kinds of famous 80s bands so they couldnt have the names and i would sing their songs and be the richest man ever. i would also make sure i owned some kind of gasoline company.

If you could choose between pikachu, squirtele, bulbasaur or charmander, which one?

If i could choose between pikachu, squirtele, bulbasaur or charmander, i would probably pick charmander. i would pick him because he has fire powers and he evolved into charmeleon and that stage of the evolution wouldnt do anything and it was pretty funny. after charmeleon was charazard and he was pretty beastly. he had wings and could blow an enermous amount of fire from his mouth

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

health care debate

i havent really been following the political issues here recently but my main opinions on health care are first, i think everyone should have health care, but secondly i wonder how we are going to pay for it. but once again i havent really been following the health care debate and i would need some more information before i go into further dicussion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If you could be any animal what would you do, why?

If i could be any animal i would probably be a dog. i would want to be a dog because they dont have to get up in the morning and go to school or go to work. they could just go back to sleep in the morning when they wake up and they have no responsibilities or chores. of course i would want to live with a good family and i would pretty much have it made, just lie around the house all day with nothing to do but smell things, eat drink,sleep and smell more things.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What do you want to be when you grow up, and why?

I think what i want to be is a funeral home director. it may sound a little weird. my family works in the funeral business and they own their own funeral home. they make a very good amount of money and i would be an automatic there so i know i would have a job. its a strange job but someone has to do it. i will be the guy who puts the word "fun" in funeral home. Maybe not, but its an image is it not. Also another reason why is the calsses you have to take to become one is not long and not very complicated. I would have to go to mortuary school in Louisville and get a business degree and one year of apprenticeship.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What i did Labor Day Weekend

Over labor day weekend I went to the spring valley game on Friday. On Saturday i went to my brothers youth league football game. After that I went to the Marshall game and then went bowling.

Friday, September 4, 2009

favorite video game character of all time

If i had to choose a favorite video game character, i would probably have to choose Master Chief from Halo. I like him because he is pretty cool looking and he can take down just about anything and everything.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


this is my first blog. ive never blogged before. dont have that kind of time. so heres my blog