Friday, October 16, 2009

my favorite movie

My all time favorite movie would have to be Billy Madison.
Adam Sandler is the main character and his dad owns a line
of hotels. Billy has it made by laying around all day in the
pool with his friends and doing nothing. Billy's dads dream
was to hand down the company to his only son. Billy is not
educated enough to handle the company so he tells billy that
he is going to give the company to Eric, a guy who works for
the company and him and Billy don't get along at all with him.
Billy's dad tells him he has to go back to second grade all the
way to high school, passing every grade in two weeks. Through
the process of passing each grade, Eric tries to sabotage Billy's
success because he wants the company as well. In the end Billy ends up making it through school and he decides he doesn't want the company, so he hands it down to Carl, another guy who works for the company and helps Billy through school. Billy then decides he wants to become a school teacher and be successful on his own.

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